10 Times Doctor Who Gave Fans EXACTLY What They Wanted (And They Hated It)

7. The Morbius Doctors Explained

Doctor Who Captain Jack Harkness Revolution of the Daleks
BBC Studios

For years, Doctor Who fans have tried to rationalise weird moments from the show's past. Why does WOTAN say "Doctor Who is required" in The War Machines? Does he actually say "Doctor, who is required" but his weird computer voice doesn't emphasise the comma?

Another contentious moment from Doctor Who history is the reveal of the Doctor's past lives in The Brain of Morbius. Some fans posited that the Doctor just invented them to defeat Morbius in a battle of wills, while the production team responsible regularly affirmed that those faces belonged to previous Doctors.

However, unless that's confirmed onscreen, Doctor Who fans just will not take it.

Enter Chris Chibnall, who introduced the idea of the Timeless Child, an alternative origin story that allowed the Morbius Doctors to sit alongside the dozen-plus versions of the Doctor that had appeared onscreen between 1963 and 2020. Fandom breathed a collective sigh of relief, and threw their hands to the air in praise of the mighty Chibnall for at last confirming the answer to the Morbius Doctors mystery.

Gotcha! Of course they didn't. Arguments over the Timeless Child got so heated that if a national lockdown hadn't been instituted, then Doctor Who fans may have taken to the streets in angry protest.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.