10 Times Doctor Who Lied To Your Face

1. Misleading Episode Titles

Doctor Who Peri Nicola Bryant
BBC Studios

Steven Moffat was a fan of juicy titles during his time as showrunner, leading to some wildly misleading episode names.

Who can forget Let's Kill Hitler, in which they merely imprison Hitler in a cupboard? Or how about The Name of the Doctor, which was more about its meaning, rather than declaring once and for all that the Doctor's name was Gavin.

Other classics include The Doctor's Wife, which is a fairly overblown and romanticized version of the Doctor's relationship with the TARDIS.

Moffat wasn't the only one guilty of this, either. To cash in on speculation about David Tennant's replacement, RTD called the 2008 Christmas special The Next Doctor. Come on man, really? 

In general, multi-Doctor stories are a bit misleading in their naming conventions. The Five Doctors only really features three "proper" Doctors, as Richard Hurndall replaces William Hartnell, and Tom Baker appears very briefly via archive footage.

Still, at least Moffat has learned his lesson about misleading titles. His latest script, Boom, takes place on an alien battlefield, and has the Doctor trapped on a landmine. Pretty straightforward and to the point there Steven!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.