10 Times Doctor Who Made Obvious Mistakes

3. The Sixth Doctor Throttling Peri

Doctor Who Ryan Yaz Graham
BBC Studios

After the beige coat and cricket whites of the Fifth Doctor, it was a sharp contrast to have the bombastic, technicolour Sixth Doctor replace him.

As actor Colin Baker had come from cruel villainous roles in BBC shows like The Roads To Freedom and Brothers, it was a smart casting coup to subvert expectations of who could play one of the best hero roles on TV. However, his first The Twin Dilemma skewed far too much toward the villainy and arrogance that Baker had played in other roles.

Now, being snarky to Peri was nothing new. The Fifth Doctor used to treat Adric and Tegan similarly, but was clearly too scared to have a pop at Turlough after he once tried to brain him with a rock.

However, it's when the Sixth Doctor turns on Peri and chokes her on the floor of the TARDIS that it becomes clear that this abrasive Doctor has already gone too far. The Doctor is almost immediately repentant for his actions, deciding to exile himself to a barren planet, but the damage is already done.

The Sixth Doctor struggled to escape the shadow cast by the mistakes made in The Twin Dilemma, making it hard for his era to communicate that he was a reassuring presence in an increasingly dark and violent Doctor Who universe.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.