10 Times Doctor Who Said F**k You To The Fans

5. Something's A Missy

If any writer is going to walk up to a hornets nest smeared in jam, it's Steven Moffat. Already persona non grata in certain quarters due to his complex River Song masterplan, his next trick was a diabolical doozy. Bring back the Master... but swap the he for a she! Get Michelle Gomez in, dress her as an Edwardian tea shop proprietress, offer no explanation as to how it all happened and hey presto... a steaming great bowl of "get stuffed" for the fans. The fact a perfectly serviceable female Time Lord existed in the shape of the Rani made no difference to the prickly showrunner, apparently. He went straight for the convention circuit jugular. And in case that wasn't enough, he recreated the Doctor's arch opponent as a flirtatious fruitcake in the mould of Alex Kingston's cryptic better half. And in case that didn't put enough vinegar on the chips? He had Gomez destroy poor, affable Osgood from The Day of the Doctor! This seismic move came off the back of an already controversial incarnation in Peter Capaldi and it has left the firebreathers of the forums melting their keyboards in fury to this very day. Just wait for her return in Series 9...
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Doctor Who
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I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.