10 Times Doctor Who Shamelessly Ripped Off Hollywood

8. A Christmas Carol's Spaceship Was Clearly Modelled On The 2009 Star Trek Reboot

Dr Who Bright

Back when we used to get Doctor Who Christmas specials, 2010's A Christmas Carol came storming out of the gate with an intense sequence set inside the bridge of a crashing spaceship.

The look of this bridge is extremely clean and futuristic, with a sleek white paintjob and lots of machinery embedded neatly into the walls. It doesn't appear in the episode for very long - mostly just at the start and at the end - but even so, it was quite easy to figure out where the production team got its inspiration from.

The design of the bridge bears a striking resemblance to the bridge of the USS Enterprise - specifically, the one seen in the 2009 reboot of Star Trek. They both have that glossy white paintjob, similar layouts and machinery, and hell, Doctor Who even borrowed some of those lens flares that J.J. Abrams littered throughout his movie.

Star Trek 2009 Enterprise
Paramount Pictures

The parallels are obvious, and when you consider that Star Trek was released in May 2009 - roughly a year before A Christmas Carol was filmed - the timing lines up.

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