10 Times Doctor Who Wasted Great Villains

9. Davros

Doctor Who Rose The Wire

The Daleks have always been The Doctor’s greatest enemy, constantly coming back to cause havoc and trauma in The Doctor’s life. It was expected that the man who created the killer machines would be the ultimate final showdown for The Doctor, as Davros singlehandedly ruined the lives of many people throughout the universe with his creations.

Davros makes his first appearance in NuWho during The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End. However, disappointingly Davros was reduced to being “the Dalek’s pet”, having no power or control over his creations. Throughout the episodes, he belittled The Doctor, claiming how he turned his companions into weapons and talking about a prophecy which would never come true. All it took was an overpowered Donna to flick a few switches to destroy him – an extremely disappointing end to what could’ve been the best villain that came out of Doctor Who.

We meet Davros again during Peter Capaldi’s reign, as he realizes it was he who created Davros to become the evil genius he became. The episode had potential and sees Davros manipulate The Doctor into using his regeneration energy to heal him, extending his own life all while infusing every Dalek on Skaro with energy. It’s not until The Doctor figures out the Dalek’s have a concept of mercy that Davros somehow put a tiny bit of compassion into the Daleks.

Davros has always been said to be a crazy mad man and believes that “removing emotions makes you stronger”, so to have the character become easily beatable and compassionate wastes the great potential we could’ve gotten from the character.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.