10 Times Doctor Who Wasted Great Villains

7. The Sontarans

Doctor Who Rose The Wire

The Season 4 two-parter re-introduced the Sontaran into the Doctor Who universe and was an incredible disappointment. The classic Who monster was used as comedy relief throughout the episodes, with The Doctor throwing many unfunny one-liners at them and how their only personality trait is that they love to die in the name of war.

The Sontarans used to be a fearsome threat in the ‘80s, but now they are just being used as dumb comedy relief with no added value to any storyline they have been thrown into. When the Sontarans were re-introduced in The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky, we see their masterplan as they intend to poison Earth with ATMOS in order to create the perfect breeding ground for clones to fight in wars.

This would’ve been a great storyline for the classic monsters if it was done right. It felt very underwhelming when a random scientific “genius” was the one who ended up defeating the entire Sontaran race, as he conveniently figured out how to transfer The Doctor off the Sontaran ship while simultaneously switching places with him before blowing up the entire fleet. The Sontarans deserved a better storyline and ending after being so loved during the classic who era.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.