10 Times Futurama Eerily Predicted The Future
5. Interactive Movies
The movie industry is one of the biggest in the world, with billions being spent on it every single year, and while this was still the case when Futurama was created, it has grown exponentially in the years since.
In the 31st century, the Planet Express crew take a trip to the movies, with All My Circuits: The Movie having a twist that was rarely seen 1000 years earlier. When Calculon has to make the decision of whether to pursue the action in the fireworks factory or finish his tedious paperwork, the choice is put in the audience's hands.
While Futurama wasn't the first to toy with this idea, with the first interactive movie, Kinoautomat, coming way back in 1967, the show did predict that the cinema style would reach mainstream audiences.
The most well known interactive movie came to Netflix in 2018, 18 years after Futurama showed the audience choose to watch Calculon do his paperwork. Black Mirror's Bandersnatch was ultimately praised for its concept, something that Futurama had already ultilised way back in 2000.