10 Times Gene Roddenberry Hated Star Trek

5. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

star trek never happened gene roddenberry the animated series

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is regarded by many fans as the worst movie in the franchise, but one of its most vocal haters was Gene Roddenberry himself.

Gene even prepared to take legal action against William Shatner, the director of the film, for abusing his creation and slapping the name "Gene Roddenberry" on it. The case never materialised, but it did cause a lot of drama behind the scenes.

Shatner and Roddenberry didn't talk much, if at all, during the production of the movie, but when Roddenberry learned about the plot, he became irritated, believing that Shatner was ripping off an old movie he was working on, but never finished, called The God Thing. The script had somewhat similar religious themes as The Final Frontier, and Roddenberry was under the impression that Shatner was stealing the story that he desperately wanted to tell.


Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.