10 Times Gene Roddenberry Hated Star Trek

4. Redemption

star trek never happened gene roddenberry the animated series

The Next Generation's season four finale, Redemption was the hundredth episode made for the series, and, as such, Roddenberry wanted it to be big.

Redemption continued the Klingon political arc that began earlier in the series. In the episode, we saw a civil war beginning to brew in the Klingon Empire. The conflict was resolved by the end of the episode, but Roddenberry was still upset that the hundredth episode of The Next Generation featured a war plot, something he considered too bleak for the show.

Ronald D. Moore was responsible for pushing Redemption into production, despite Gene's wishes, and most fans are glad he did. Moore was responsible for creating most of the updated Klingon aesthetic and had a real talent of creating believable alien cultures. Redemption is just one example of Moore taking the Klingons and fleshing them out to be more believable.

Beyond his typical hatred for violence, Roddenberry also didn't believe that Worf was a strong enough character to carry the hundredth episode. Fortunately, Redemption and a few more episodes (especially in Deep Space Nine) eventually turned Worf into a better lead character.


Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.