10 Times Lazy Writing Ruined Netflix's You Season 2

9. Getting The Password For Henderson's Home Security

You Season 2

In an early-season sub-plot, Joe is led to believe that a famous comedian named Henderson has been drugging and abusing underage girls during parties hosted at his house. After speaking to his captive, Will (more on him later) he decides to break into Henderson’s house and steal his laptop, believing their will be evidence of sexual deviancy on it.

There’s a catch, however. Being a celebrity, Henderson has a rather secure home, with high walls and a password-protected door.

In Season One, this sort of challenge would have been the episode’s focal point, with multiple complicated steps required in order to obtain the code for the door.

In Season Two, this is nothing but a small inconvenience. Luckily for Joe, Henderson’s old improv group still perform local shows regularly. In a short scene, Joe attends a show and gets speaking to one of the group's members at the bar, who just happens to tell Joe the password within two minutes of meeting him.

The password is DICKS, which this performer finds hilarious. (A glaring indication as to why he’s not a particularly successful comedian.)

This whole plot point was evidently rushed and, as a result, was one of many that came across as far less grounded and realistic than their Season One counterparts.

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