10 Times Lazy Writing Ruined Netflix's You Season 2
8. Will Is Set Free From The Cage With Little To No Consequences
During the opening two episodes of the season, we’re introduced to Will Bettelheim. Joe meets with Will in order to buy a fake passport, in hopes of leaving the country. However, Will advises that putting together a passable ID would take a substantial amount of time. With this being the case, Joe knocks Will unconscious, kidnaps him and assumes his identity instead.
For plot convenience, it transpires that Joe has managed to build an exact replica of the glass cage that he used to imprison captives in Season One. He keeps this in a storage unit and locks Will inside. Will is left there for days on end, with Joe occasionally checking in on him and feeding him. During this time, we learn that Will clearly has a multiple-personality disorder.
Eventually, Joe agrees to release Will. You’d expect that this would come back to haunt him, but it just doesn’t. Other than a quick Skype call with Will, who has moved overseas, we pretty much never see him again. You'd think at least one of his multiple personalities would want justice for what he was put through, no?
The whole mental health sub-plot was clearly glossed over in order to focus on the rest of the story, defeating the purpose of it being written in the first place.