10 Times Lazy Writing Ruined Netflix's You Season 2

5. Love's Rich Parents Apparently Own The LAPD

You Season 2

As Season Two starts wrapping up, Joe discovers that Delilah has been murdered in the cage whilst he was out tripping with Forty. It’s also revealed to him that she was murdered by Love (who also killed Candace because, you know, she was a bit of a nuisance.)

She locks Joe in the cage and confesses this to him. She also confides that she’s still madly in love with him and that the two should devise a plan to get away with their crimes scot-free. Love then tells Joe of how she murdered Forty’s babysitter and framed him for it. (Seriously, she may be worse than Joe at this point.)

She claims nothing ever came of this because, “My family basically owns the LAPD.”

This whole trope of the rich, white family avoiding justice because they’re rich and white is hardly a new one. However, this family aren’t gangsters or feared politicians. They may have very powerful lawyers who could get them off with serious charges, but what need would they have for “owning” the LAPD?

Do they come from a long line of murderers? What sway do they have with the cops? Is this just another case of lazy writing for plot convenience?

Oh, and she’s pregnant too.

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