10 Times Star Trek Broke Its Own Rules

2. Take Us To Warp 13, Mr. Salamander

Star Trek Trill Makeup Change
CBS Media Ventures

The Star Trek Voyager episode Threshold has many, many issues in the script. However, putting aside some of the obvious ones, let us look instead at the central plot of the episode: breaking the warp 10 barrier.

This actually goes back as far as The Next Generation. While The Original Series didn't have a set limit at the time as the later shows would come to have, Roddenberry decided back in the early days of TNG that Warp 10 would be 'infinite velocity', meaning that to break this barrier one would be everywhere in the Universe at once.

That's a bit of a jump from Warp 9.9etc, which is considerably slower than that.

If it would take Voyager 75 years to get home at maximum speed, then breaking the Warp 10 barrier suggests that it works on an entirely different realm of physics. But, if that is the case - how can the Enterprise-D travel at speeds higher than Warp 10 in All Good Things?

Clearly, the writers just wanted to suggest that the scale had been changed by this point. But, even if that was the case - perhaps Threshold should have upped their number considerably!

Unless Admiral Riker, Ambassador Picard and the rest were all saved their inevitable, salamander fate by the timely destruction of the ship in the Devron System! Who is to say?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick