10 Times Star Trek Didn't Think It Through

1. The Big Goodbye's Long Goodbye

Star Trek Kronos One
CBS Media Ventures

The Next Generation's first season re-introduced a version of the holodeck after its debut in The Animated Series (as the Rec Room). Captain Picard hit play on his Dixon Hill program, Dr Crusher and Data joined him, as did Mr Whalen - the ship's 20th century historian. 

The implications behind The Big Goodbye are far more disturbing than presumably intended. For example, once Wesley and Geordi can open the doors to the holodeck, Redblock and Leech step outside. Despite being holodeck characters, they take a few moments to dematerialize - during which they remain fully aware of what's happening to them. 

Inside the holodeck, Officer McNary asks Picard if he, along with his wife and kids, will cease to exist once Picard leaves. This, at the very least, suggests a form of sentience on his part. 

Though the episode was crafted as a bit of fish-out-of-water fun, it depicts a horrific half-life for these holograms. Fun? 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick