10 Times Star Trek Foretold The Apocalypse

3. The Twilight Years

Star Trek Pike Apocalypse
CBS Media Ventures

You can't get more 'end of the world' than the world blowing up. Eight episodes in to Star Trek: Enterprise's third season, the serialized struggle against doomsday had already failed. Or so it seemed. In the opening to Twilight, the Xindi had achieved their apocalyptic goal, and the seven trumpets were replaced by those bloody tambourines!

'Apocalypse' for a spacefaring humanity means the destruction must go on. After Earth, the Xindi continued to kill all humans wherever they could find them — "Mars, Alpha Centauri, Vega Colony" — until there were fewer than 6,000 left. Irony of ironies, humanity's supposed safe haven was Ceti Alpha V, and we all know what happened later there. I hope they scanned for eels before setting up shop!

Perhaps the true apocalypse is having to tell it… over and over and over again. It's the billions of deaths, of course, but let's not forget that T'Pol had to play groundhog to Archer every day. This is Star Trek, though, and in it you can get one hell of a divine do-over. Doctor Phlox to the rescue (eventually), a subspace implosion, and all is forgotten that was never remembered in the first place.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.