10 Times Star Trek Rewarded Audiences For Sticking With It

7. Regeneration

Data Borg Queen
CBS Media Ventures

Enterprise stumbled out of the gate when it began airing in 2001. No one could have predicted the mood of the audience in the wake of 9/11, so the scripts that had been written for this prequel series went down like a lead balloon in the first year. Though renewed, Enterprise was in trouble. The numbers were dropping, so the show had to do something to win them back.

The audience that did stick with it was then treated to a very unexpected surprise. The laws of canon stated that there were certain beings that couldn't exist in this era, so when the Borg show up in the second season, the opening of the episode was met with raised eyebrows.

In a terrific turn of events, the episode is fantastic. It is tense, offering one of the show's first unrelenting action thrillers. The Borg, never named in the episode, do just enough to frighten the pants off the viewers, as they finally became a truly scary villain again.

Aided in no small part by Brian Tyler's pounding score, this was the episode that put both Enterprise and the Borg themselves back on the map, properly rewarding those who had stuck through some of the show's poorer offerings with an episode for the ages.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick