10 Times Star Trek: The Next Generation Went "Dark & Gritty"

5. Symbiosis

Star Trek The Next Generation Symbiosis

The Enterprise finds a ship in distress. They offer to beam the crew over, but the aliens send over a barrel first. Then a few of the aliens beam over, but several die when their ship explodes. The aliens, called the Ornarans, are only concerned with the safety of their cargo- the barrel.

After some questioning, the Ornarans explain that the cargo is a medicine for a deadly plague. The Ornarans have suffered from the plague for generations. The only treatment comes from another species called the Brekkans.

However, Dr. Crusher discovers that the “medicine” is actually a powerful narcotic. And the plague that the Ornarans are afflicted with is actually withdrawal symptoms. The Brekkans are aware of all this and are revealed to be exploiting the Ornarans.

What’s worse, Dr. Crusher can cure the Ornanans on their drug dependency, but Picard refuses. This is because interference would violate the Prime Directive.

Oh, that pesky Prime Directive! It really does more harm than good.

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at artofnarrative.com