10 Times Star Trek: The Next Generation Went "Dark & Gritty"

4. Journey’s End

Star Trek The Next Generation Symbiosis
CBS Media Ventures

Journey’s End is one of the first episodes that we see the emerging tensions between the Federation and the Cardassians. A Starfleet Admiral orders the Enterprise to a planet called Dorvan V. This is a Federation planet that was recently ceded to the Cardassians in a treaty.

The only problem is there is a Federation colony made up of Pueblo Indians living on the planet. Picard is ordered to force the Puebloan settlers off of a planet. But, the Federation gave Dorvan V to the tribe.

Obviously, the Federation doesn’t come off well in this episode. There’s a clear analogy comparing the Federation to the early US government.

If you’re unsure of the historical reference in this episode look up the Trail of Tears. The US government forced several American Indian tribes off their native lands. They then “resettled” these tribes on unused lands. In this episode we see the, normally, enlightened Federation behaving more like a 19th-century colonial power.

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at artofnarrative.com