10 Times Star Trek Was So Bad It Was Good

1. Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Masks Star Trek TNG
Paramount Pictures

Snooze fest! Too long, slow-paced, bloated story, no tangible villain and visually beige. But, aside from all those problems, this isn’t a bad movie at all. It’s not what people expected and it’s not what the studio was hoping for. Star Trek: The Motion Picture was hot off the heels of Star Wars, that’s what got it greenlit, and that’s what everyone wanted.

What they got was pretty much the complete opposite to Star Wars. This is a ponderous movie, which takes its time to tell its story and which pays service to its fans. Fans who had waited ten years for it and never seen Star Trek on the big screen, or a big budget. The charters are given space to re-establish their dynamics and the threat is studied, reasoned with and understood rather than shot down. These are good things.

Yes, Star Wars is great, but a movie doesn’t have to be like Star Wars to be great.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is flawed, it does drag on a bit, the colour palette is like an anaesthetic for the eyes, but these flaws are part of it, part of its charm and alongside being good for its flaws, it’s also just good.

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