10 Times Star Trek Was So Bad It Was Good

2. Threshold - Voyager

Masks Star Trek TNG

Tom Paris invents traswarp drive (that guy is like a swiss army knife), enabling the crew to travel anywhere in the universe in literally no time at all. Paris undertakes a successful test flight in a shuttle and the crew are optimistic that they will be home in no time. Unfortunately, the test flight does have some side effects. Paris transforms into a lizard. Then he kidnaps Captain Janeway, who also transforms into a lizard. They mate. Then have three lizard children. The crew retrieve them, turn them back into humans and promptly forget about the whole thing (including the lizard children who they abandon on some planet).

Forty-two minutes of pure, uncut, full-strength ROFLcopter.

Paris and Janeway mate and no one ever mentions it again! Not even an awkward glance. Not even a bit of gossip on the lower decks.

The Doctor turns them back into humans without breaking a holographic sweat. Why didn’t they use the transwarp to go home, all become lizards, then have The Doctor turn them all back human? It would have been easier than being stuck with each other for another five years. Missed a trick there.

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Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.