10 Times Star Trek Was So Bad It Was Good

6. Move Along Home - Deep Space Nine

Masks Star Trek TNG

Deep Space Nine got off to a pretty shaky start. Those shakes were more like tremors in Move Along Home. The crew are forced to be the pieces in a board game where the stakes are ostensibly deadly, while Quark is forced to be the game player. Who wouldn’t love that? It’s very much like The Original Series in the wacky peril of its concept.

The cast just doesn’t seem bought into it, as everything seems a bit awkward as they move through the stages of the game. The most cringe-worthy bit is when they’re all forced to play hopscotch while singing a nursery rhyme. While the characters are supposed to be uncomfortable with it, the cast seems pretty embarrassed too.

As the unwilling game player Quark really shines, simultaneously revelling in it all and fearing jeopardy they’re all in. Quark in a tight spot is always a joy to see.

Games are fun. That’s what this episode is. It has absolutely nothing else going for it. But it is fun.

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