10 Times Star Trek Was So Bad It Was Good

3. Spock’s Brain - The Original Series

Masks Star Trek TNG

The episode is absurd, the delivery is ridiculous and it’s one of the most enjoyable episodes of Star Trek ever made.

As the Enterprise is cruising along, minding its own business, an alien beams aboard, knocks out the crew and steals Spock’s fantastic juicy brain. Fortunately, Spock can go without it for a while; not for long though, so the crew embark on a mission to retrieve it before it’s too late. The entire concept is hilarious. Some of the most entertaining aspects include Spock being operated by remote control, and in this manner, accompanying the crew on the quest to retrieve his brain. Then, when it is successfully retrieved, Spock uses the brain to provide instructions on how to reinstall the brain.

This is all made even funnier by the fact after season two, the fans campaigned hard to keep the show on the air. The studio listened and commissioned a third series. This was the first episode. After all that hard work and dedication, this is what the fans got.

Spock’s Brain went down in history as the worst of the worst Star Trek, but it’s infinitely enjoyable in its absurdity. Like Troll 2 and The Room, it transcends the sum of its terrible parts and is elevated to that lofty status of, ‘so bad it’s good’.

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