10 Times The Lucifer Show Referenced The Comics (And 10 Ways It Totally Ignored Them)

17. The Angels' Unique Powers (Ignores The Comics)

Lucifer Comics TV

The first episode of the TV show introduced the idea that the angels each have their own unique superpower, with Lucifer able to draw out people's hidden desires, and Amenadiel able to slow time. This distinction between individual angels' capabilities, however, is mostly made up for the show.

According to DC mythos there are three angels in particular who stand out among the rest; Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel, but Gabriel was de-powered long ago. Michael was given the Demiurgic power - the ability to create something from nothing - and Lucifer has the Morningstar power, which allows him to shape all reality.

Beyond these two unique godly abilities, angels in the comics are more or less interchangeable in terms of their capabilities. There's no mention of Uriel utilizing the Butterfly Effect or Azrael's sword erasing people from existence.

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Michael Cross hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.