10 Times The Simpsons Broke Its Own Rules

1. That 90s Show

The Simpsons
Fox/20th Century Fox Television

The entirety of the Season 19 episode, That 90s Show, is a total and utter disgrace to The Simpsons timeline.

As the title suggests, the bulk of this episode takes place somewhere in the 1990s. Homer and Marge recall when they almost broke up after Marge became infatuated with her college professor.

Never mind then that Homer and Marge are already married with three kids when the first episode of the show came out in 1989!

The events of this episode throw every well known about the early seasons of the show into complete disarray. Considering that a lot of those episodes are clearly set in the 90s, how on Earth can they be happening alongside a teenage Marge and Homer's relationship troubles?

The idea of a "floating timeline" has been suggested to erase this and a lot of other episodes' retcons, but, in reality, it doesn't matter why the Simpsons chronology doesn't make sense.

The show has become a deformed version of itself, warped over time by the relentless demand for more content. Of course the writers have struggled to keep up, because there's just too much history to get it all right.

You have to feel sorry for them really, and you also have to wonder if the time has come to put Old Yella (or should that be "Yellow") out to pasture.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.