10 Times The Simpsons Broke Its Own Rules

2. The Magical Rumpus Room

The Simpsons

The layout of the Simpson house is baffling and would take the team who discovered the Higgs Boson to fully understand.

It changes number a lot in the early seasons of the show. Their list of addresses on Evergreen Terrace reads like a lottery ticket and, in one episode, the house is on a totally different street!

If we accept that Chez Simpson is on 742 Evergreen Terrace, that still doesn't explain its physics-busting interior.

The family has a mysterious hallway that leads to the back of the house from the kitchen. It's not the way to the basement, as that's off the main foyer. It's also not how they get to their garage.

There's also the downstairs bathroom, which changes location depending on when it's needed for jokes.

And then there's the rumpus room.

The room comes and goes as it pleases, appearing when it's needed and disappearing when it's not. Marge herself says as much in the episode White Christmas Blues.

Whether it's the Hogwarts Room of Requirement or just a space The Simpsons don't use that often, the rumpus room has baffled purist fans of the show for decades and we may never get a definitely location for it.

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The Simpsons
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.