10 Times The Walking Dead Was The Dumbest Show On TV

8. Impossibly Accurate Headshots

Watching zombies get dispatched can be terrific fun but sometimes things get a bit unbelievable. It took the whole group a few episodes in Season 2 to go from certain zombie-fodder to SAS-style marksmen. Soon Carol and Andrea were shooting walkers down left, right and centre - even while they and the walkers were moving. Pretty much all of the characters are somehow capable of hitting a zombie in the face without even aiming. For one of the worst culprits of the impossible headshot, see the Governor tee off by smacking a walker right in the head. Blowing off steam by driving some golf balls of the walls of Woodbury, he hit a walker right on the head with his first shot, even though they were standing at least a hundred yards apart. It seems something comparable happens every episode: obviously the moments tend to be cool (they're hero making) but when they stretch the limits of reasonable belief too far, that's clearly a problem.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.