10 Times The Walking Dead Was The Dumbest Show On TV

6. People Wandering In The Open During Gun Fights

The average viewer of The Walking Dead is unlikely to have been involved in a gun fight - since we're not in the Wild West they rarely occur. That said, even the most inexperienced of guns-lingers would probably look for cover in the event of a me-lee. Not Rick and his gang though. As soon as bullets are flying, they'll pop their heads over car bonnets or just wander brazenly into the open as though speeding metal will bounce right off them. Remember the final showdown between the Governor and Rick in Season 4 which ended in Herschel's death? Do you remember how Rick started firing at a group of twenty people when he at least 30 yards from cover? He was only grazed by a single bullet when really he should have resembled a pin-cushion once the scene was through. Of course, it's only TV and The Walking Dead's dedication to these big showdown moments means it's a lot of fun to watch, but at least give the viewer some respect. There's no way a person could survive that.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.