10 Times The Walking Dead Was The Dumbest Show On TV

5. One Legged Getaway Driver

Seeing a wise and principled old man lose his leg in Season 3 was surely one of the most traumatic moments of the show so far. Herschel had already lost his home, as well as most of his loved ones, and now had to contend with the gory absence of a pretty important appendage - if you're stuck in a zombie apocalypse, the last thing you want is to lose a leg! That said, after the initial shock, he seemed to adapt pretty well to this fresh obstacle. By Season 4 he'd even found an artificial leg and his situation improved. The thing that really makes no sense was having him as the chief getaway driver on runs and when Rick and the Governor first met in Season 3. Of course, it is technically possible to drive a car with only one leg, but is a one legged person really the best man for the job? Everyone survived and lived happily ever after, but surely picking Herschel for the job puts Rick's decision making in a bad light.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.