10 Times When Star Trek Re-Cast Its Actors

2. Spock

Star Trek 70107

Spock has been played by three different actors. The first is of course Leonard Nimoy. From the beginning, Nimoy's Spock was the most immediately identifiable character in the Star Trek franchise.

His cool logic and delivery of lines, with his deep voice, was iconic. From The Cage up to Star Trek Into Darkness, he was the backbone of the franchise.

He was a loyal man, arguing for the rights of his co-stars and engendering a peaceful and fun working environment. The recent documentary For The Love Of Spock is a touching a heartfelt tribute to the actor.

The character is played by Zachary Quinto in the 2009 reboot. Quinto's performance was both an homage and a subtle new take. Quinto plays him as a Vulcan who is still part human, not having undergone the ceremony to purge all emotion.

He meets with disapproval from fellow Vulcans for this but is commended by parents. His emotional breakdown after the death of his mother tugs all the right heartstrings. He lets the emotions bubble under the surface, keeping them in check until Kirk finally pushes him.

In 2019, the character returned. Ethan Peck stepped into the role. The first few episodes of the second season teased the arrival of this Spock but when he finally did make it to the screen, Peck immediately cemented his place in the franchise by again delivering a fresh take on the character.

His certainty in his logic endeared him to fans. Much like Quinto's Spock, he was not as far from emotion as Nimoy's early Spock had been but his directness balanced this. The closing scenes between Burnham and Spock are some of Discovery's best moments.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick