10 Times You Can't Believe South Park Actually Went There

4. Britney Spears Blows Her Head Off

Caitlyn Jenner
Comedy Central

ln the episode, Britney's New Look, the boys promise to help Britney Spears move to the North Pole to avoid being harassed by the media. While they prepare Britney for her trip, Kyle learns society has been orchestrated for millennia to hound celebrities like Britney until they die to satiate their bloodlust. After Britney is spotted by a horde of paparazzi, they bombard her with pictures until she falls over dead.

As depressing as this moment is, it only gets worse. In the following scene, the citizens of South Park hear a news report saying Hannah Montana actress, Miley Cyrus, is destined to become a "superstar". Upon hearing those words, the people break out in a cult-like chant, insinuating the young pop-star will suffer the same fate as Britney.

Even though this episode was controversial at the time, it feels a lot more disturbing now. A few years after this episode aired, Miley Cyrus did indeed become one of the world's biggest celebs, making South Park feel almost prophetic in hindsight. And because Britney's conservatorship trial in 2021 revealed how the iconic singer endured inhuman mistreatment from her own management team for years, this episode feels more relevant than ever.

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