10 Totally Unnecessary Deaths In Horror TV Shows
7. Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Every season of Stranger Things has made a storytelling virtue out of introducing a character, establishing them as adorable only to kill them before the year was out. Nancy's loyal best friend Barb, Joyce's sweetheart Bob, cheeky but loveable Soviet scientist Alexei... and the pinnacle of the lot, charismatic metalhead Eddie Munson.
Sometimes you can argue that, like Alexei, a character has reached the end of their usefulness to the narrative - or that, like Barb, their death will catalyse other characters to become a greater part of the story. But Eddie?
Eddie Munson was established very quickly as a larger-than-life mentor figure. His self-imposed status as school outsider, his infectious grin, sweet nature and shaggy rock-god hair made him a gloriously eighties throwback figure, equal parts Bender from The Breakfast Club and Duckie from Pretty In Pink.
Having done all this stellar work to establish this brand new character as equal to Stranger Things' central cast in the audience's affections, it came as a shock when Eddie was killed in the Upside Down, sacrificing himself to lure Vecna's Demobats away from his friends so that they could attack the monster on his home turf.
And perhaps that was the intention - tease fan favourite Steve Harrington's death throughout the season only to misdirect the audience at the last moment by once more killing the new guy.
It's just that this time, the character wasn't at the end of his usefulness. Having found his courage and literally faced his demons, Eddie Munson deserved better.