10 Truly Terrible Movies From The Game Of Thrones Cast

6. The Other Woman - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

the forrest natalie dormer
20th Century Fox

Rotten Tomatoes score: 24%

While the vast majority of star vehicles for the up-and-comers of the Game Of Thrones cast have been genre films that trade off their existent geek-cred, The Other Woman attempted to use Jaime Lannister's good looks, charm, and smug, smarmy streak in something unconvincingly described as a romantic comedy, but actually plotted more like a poor man's 9 To 5.

Despite being conceived with a straight female audience in mind and a narrative about women bonding together, The Other Woman was marketed largely on the strength of Kate Upton's breasts, a curious combination that shows how the movie seemed unsure who it was really for and thus ended up being for nobody. Ultimately, it was both too full of mean-spirited scatological content to make an empowering story for women, and yet not committed enough to the gross-out term to make that work successfully either.

Coster-Waldau suffers the indignities of diarrhoea and hair removal on screen, and that of being associated with this dud off it, playing the man who cheats on Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann and Upton, instigating their wacky revenge schemes. It was Diaz who scooped the Worst Actress Razzie, but nobody emerges in a better light after this.

They Said: "All of a sudden, a spotted Great Dane squats in the middle of a Manhattan apartment and out plop several gleaming, glistening CGI turds. It's one of those cases where a Hollywood movie inadvertently summarizes itself in a single shot." (The AV Club)


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