10 TV Character Deaths Fans Still Aren't Over
1. Carl Grimes - The Walking Dead

Perhaps the most hated TV death in the last decade, Carl Grimes was - most people would agree - someone who was meant to see The Walking Dead through to its end. He started the show young, naive, weak, but grew over the years into one of the show's strongest and most dependable characters.
As with his comic book counterpart, Carl's arc was incredibly impressive and well crafted, and it really looked as though he was one of the very few characters who was safe from death on the show.
But that wasn't the case. Halfway through the show's eighth season, Carl was bitten by a walker and spent his last moments saving Alexandria and his friends from Negan's latest attack on the communities. He then killed himself after revealing his wound to Rick and bidding his goodbyes, leaving fans understandably furious.
To date, many fans and ex-fans alike point to Carl's death as the moment The Walking Dead truly lost its way, and though the series has definitely improved since the never-ending All Out War storyline, it's safe to say it hasn't been the same since Carl was so unceremoniously killed off.