10 TV Characters Cut From Shows (In The Worst Way)

1. Charlie - Two And A Half Men

Two and a half men

Charlie Sheen famously had a very public breakdown in 2011, coming up with the new catchphrase that he was "not bi-polar" but "bi-winning", while going on primetime TV to take swipes at public figures, including his own boss at the time, creator of Two and a Half Men, Chuck Lorre.

Despite thinking he was invincible, Sheen was axed from the show and replaced with Ashton Kutcher, but the rift between him and Lorre didn't end behind the scenes. Instead, the showrunner made it a point to kill off his character - also called Charlie - in a way that would make a return to the series impossible.

Consequently, Season 9 opens on the revelation that Charlie fell onto the tracks of a metro station, and then popped like a balloon.

This still wasn't enough for Lorre though, and Charlie comes back in the finale (played by a body double) to be killed again. It turns out he wasn't hit by a train, but was kept prisoner in a basement, which he escaped from. When he turns back up at his old house though, he's killed by a falling piano just as he rings the doorbell. Chuck Lorre even appears in the flesh to deliver a final zinger.

I'm not saying Charlie Sheen deserved more, but Two and Half Men fans deserved more than to see their favourite show devolve into a grudge match not once but twice.


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