10 TV Characters They Wanted You To Forget

9. Sean - Scrubs

Sherlock Moriarty

As part of JD and Elliott's on again off again story throughout the entire eight-season run of Scrubs (no one counts season nine, right?), there was pure, unparalleled jealousy when they were apart. Dr. Reid resented Jamie during her short fling with JD, and Dr. Dorian was insanely jealous of arguably Elliott's most serious boyfriend yet, Sean.

What started initially as just a petty grudge ultimately turned into a full on rivalry. JD convinced Elliott to leave Sean for him just as they were supposed to move in together, before deciding that he didn't actually want her anyway.

This was when Sean disappeared. With no further relationship with Elliott, there were no stories for Scott Foley's character, and so he left the show to be forgotten essentially immediately. He wouldn't be seen again until five years later, returning completely out of the blue in what must have been nightmare fuel for JD.

While dropping Sam back with Kim, JD was monologuing about how nothing could get in the way of his and Elliott's car sex on the way home, unless of course, Kim was dating 'Elliott's stupid ex-boyfriend'. This wouldn't have been so funny if it didn't come out of absolutely nowhere.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.