10 TV Characters They Wanted You To Forget

8. Gina - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sherlock Moriarty

Ask any Brooklyn Nine-Nine fan and they will tell you that one of the highlights of the entire show was the annual Halloween Heist. After Jake, Holt, and Amy won the first three respectively, they came together once more to break the tie and determine the ultimate winner.

Up until this point, said winner was to be declared an amazing detective/genius, but Gina Linetti had other ideas. Far from being a detective, she planned to prove herself as an amazing human/genius.

Her strategy revolved around having everyone forget about her, not only the audience but her colleagues at the Nine-Nine as well. She bowed out of proceedings early after apparently knocking her teeth out, and then planted the seeds of doubt about Terry's involvement from start to finish. This was done perfectly, as no one expected to see Gina rock up at the end with the victor's plaque.

Everyone ran to the interview room to confront Terry, and even Hitchcock and Scully who had been with him the entire time turned on him, only for Gina to reveal herself from behind the two-way mirror. It was a work all along, and just as wonderful and convoluted as most Halloween Heist victories proved to be.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.