10 TV Characters They Wanted You To Forget

7. The Bird Man - BoJack Horseman

Sherlock Moriarty

In the first few episodes of BoJack Horseman, the titular character got himself into relatively harmless hjinx surrounding his autobiography and arguing with navy seals in the supermarket, but before too long the show became unbelievably heavy and far darker than before.

A lot of things happened throughout the series that were tough pills to swallow, particularly coming from a protagonist you were supposed to be rooting for. Two of the worst things he did involved young women who looked up to him as a role model, Penny and Sarah-Lynn.

He took advantage of Penny's vulnerability, and dragged Sarah-Lynn on a months-long bender that ultimately killed her. There was a crossover of the two incidents when BoJack and Sarah-Lynn essentially crashed a group therapy session, with the former confessing to everything he did with Penny, almost as a boast. He drunkenly gave her full name and even told the group to look her up.

Towards the end of the series, with BoJack getting his life back on track and teaching at Wesleyan University, he was yet to suffer any real consequences for what he did to Penny and Sarah-Lynn. That is, until Paige Sinclair tracked down the Bird Man from that fateful 12-step meeting from three seasons before. The information given by the nameless character allowed the reporter to piece together huge parts of the story that would ultimately force BoJack to face up to every sh*tty thing he ever did.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.