10 TV Characters We'd Love To See Return For One Season

6. Angela Abar - Watchmen

Squid Game Gi-Hun

Watchmen tackled some very relevant and thought-provoking themes head-on when it aired a few years ago with its depiction of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre and themes of white supremacy and police brutality. A large part of what made the show so memorable besides its themes was the performance from actor Regina King who portrayed the lead, Angela Abar, and her crime fighting alter ego Sister Night.

Anyone familiar with the 1986 DC Comics series or the subsequent 2009 film will be familiar with the more grounded take on superheroes that the series takes. King’s character is no different, as when not fighting crime she is a mother who runs a small bakery, however she dons her badass nun-like costume and gets to work fighting crime. The character fits in perfectly with the source material while also providing a refreshing take relevant for a world almost 35 years removed from the series' original inception. While nothing has been confirmed regarding any follow-up seasons, the show did leave things open at the end of Season 1 so it may not be out of the realm of possibility just yet.


Alex Morley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.