10 TV Characters Who Just Disappeared

1. Ben Geller - Friends

Buzz Hickey Community
Warner Bros.

It actually fits in pretty well with Ross' character that he eventually seemed to forget he had a son.

Ben was the son of Ross and his first wife Carol and was born in The One With The Birth. He lived with his mother and her lesbian partner but made frequent appearances on the show. Many of Ross' storylines (like the Holiday Armadillo) revolved around his fears as a father and his attempts to connect with his son.

He also interacted with the rest of the cast and a lot of jokes revolved around how bad the friends were as babysitters (Monica dropping him on his head, Chandler and Joey leaving him on a bus etc).

However, he stopped appearing in Season 8 and was only ever mentioned once afterwards. He was seemingly pushed out of the show after his role was filled by Ross and Rachel's daughter Emma.

What (Probably) Happened To Him: One plausible (and pretty sad) theory is that, with Ross' manic behaviour increasing over the series, Carol was eventually awarded full custody of Ben and stopped Ross from seeing him. His friends then avoided talking about Ben because they knew what a sore subject it was for Ross.

Which of these characters were you sad to see vanish? Any others you'd add to the list? Share your thoughts down in the comments.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.