10 TV Characters Who Just Disappeared

2. The Others - Lost

Buzz Hickey Community

Despite being such a huge part of Lost, it's amazing how the Others eventually just disappeared.

The Others were a core part of Lost's plot, a mysterious group of people who inhabited the island the survivors found themselves on. The mystery of who they were was teased over the first few series and the revelations that they were part of the DHARMA Initiative and worked for a strange figure known as Jacob only raised more questions.

Some members, like doctor Juliet and Machiavellian leader Ben, ended up joining the main cast and the rest of the group remained a constant presence on the island. That is until Season 6.

In the episode The Last Recruit, Ben's rival Charles Widmore shelled the Other's encampment with mortars in an attempt to kill their new leader, The Man in Black. The Man in Black was able to escape, but we never found out what happened to the rest of the group and they were soon completely forgotten when the plot moved on to whatever the Hell the final series of Lost was about.

The Others were never mentioned again, despite being a central plot point for most of the show's run.

What (Probably) Happened To Them: Logic says that they were probably all killed by the mortars, but since this is Lost let's say that they were transported to the 1960's and opened a polar bear sanctuary.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.