10 TV Characters Who ONLY Appear In The First And Last Episode

4. Anatoly Sitnikov - Chernobyl

Weeds Josh Wilson

Although a good number of artistic licences were taken in the Chernobyl miniseries, its depiction of the horror and desperation following the worst nuclear disaster in history made for both compelling and harrowing viewing upon its release in 2019.

It wisely took a restrained approach to said depiction in a way that did not paint caricatures of the people involved but also ensured that the terrifying scale of the disaster was understood by viewers who may have only had a cursory understanding of what happened in 1986. This was seen in the treatment of main characters such as Valery Legasov and Vasily Ignatenko as well as minor ones.

One such individual was Anatoly Sitnikov, the power plant's deputy chief operational engineer who took note of the immediate scale of the devastation following the plant's meltdown.

Unfortunately, he was ignored by his superiors at first until it became clear that Anatoly Dyatlov (the station's chief engineer) was ill following extensive radiation exposure.

Against his will, Sitnikov inspected the fallout of the exploded reactor and was bombarded by a lethal dose of radiation. He was later seen in a flashback in the last episode that detailed everyday life in Pripyat before the accident that would change his life alongside many others for the worse.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.