10 TV Characters Who ONLY Appear In The First And Last Episode

5. The Cloud 9 Baby - Superstore

Weeds Josh Wilson

NBC's recently concluded sitcom experienced some growing pains early in its run, but was able to eventually fine-tune its storyline and ensemble to deliver a wholesome and heartwarming peek into the lives of the Cloud 9 employees and their lives outside of the chain store.

Some may have balked at its "your workmates are your family members" approach in several instances but the show was savvy enough to have a lot more on its mind rather than banal HR proclamations. It was able to be critical of the challenges and inequities in the workplace and still foster genuine relationships between its characters.

Its series finale luckily stuck the landing by adhering to what it so endearing in the first place while being topical at the same time. In addition to this, its callbacks to earlier seasons and episodes were pleasant in their retrospective approach.

One such callback is Amy's encounter of an unsupervised child sitting on a potty in one of the store's aisles.

It turns out that this is the same child (and in a similar outfit) from the pilot, only much older. It is an amusing moment that serves as a nostalgic source of comfort (and nightmare fuel for actual retail workers) before the cast eventually moved on to other phases of their lives.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.