10 TV Characters Who Were Perfectly Cast (The Second Time)

7. Pam's Mom - The Office

Game Of Thrones

It's safe to say that a few decisions were made on the fly as the American version of the ridiculously popular UK The Office began to pick up steam over the course of its epic nine season run.

Along with character traits and backstories being switched up in order to service the story that was now being told in the later seasons, the odd individual was given a complete visual change-up too. Going from being played by Shannon Cochran and described as a sweet and supportive mother early on, the part of Pam's mom, Helene Beesley, was handed over to Linda Purl from the show's "Niagara" episodes onwards.

Adding a newfound edge and bouncing brilliantly off of Steve Carell's always painfully hysterical Michael Scott during the pair's brief affair, Purl undoubtedly was a much more comical and notable guest performer than her predecessor before getting her heart broken by the aforementioned often oblivious office boss. Though that's likely due to generally having stronger material to play with than just rocking up for a tour of Pam's desk in Season Two episode "Sexual Harassment".


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...