10 TV Characters Who Would Be Perfect Election Running Mates

8. Omar Little

Larry David Curb Your Enthusiasm

There are times in every politician's tenure when they must take a step back from the careerism and power hunger and remember why they got into the game in the first place. A man (or woman) must have a code, and no one knows this better than The Wire's Omar Little.

A product of Baltimore's inescapable drug trade, he nonetheless clings to a set of self imposed rules, such as never turning his gun on no working man. With such an unshakable ethos, you can rely on Vice President Little to keep your behaviour in check, lest you find yourself on the business end of his ever present shotgun.

He may not be used to the standard political shindig, but with his unwavering self confidence and aforementioned shotgun, he would quickly adjust.

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Larry David
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)