2. Monica Geller-Bing- Friends
Nobody likes a control freak. They're the person to spot all the tiny flaws in a work of art and always do their utmost to suck the fun out of any situation that doesn't fall in line with their impossibly rigid set of regulations.Cue Monica Gellar, the ultra-competitive, borderline OCD chef who's sooner chew off her own foot than compromise on even the slightest matters, much to the dismay of her bosom buddies. On her good days, Monica is the maternal figure of her six-man band who'll provide comfort, support and wonderful meals to anyone who steps inside her spacious Greenwich Village apartment. Add a scoreline to the mix and she suddenly turns into a psychopath who will cause arguments, fights and physical injuries just so she can claim her victory over everyone else. Because 'Friends' was such a prolific television series, we as the audience were given a lot of time to get used to characters and their idiosyncrasies to the extent where we'd become blind to their flaws. Instead of questioning her incorrigible bossiness, everyone just acquiesced to her unbearable need for perfection. Phoebe has been one of the few to complain about her controlling nature, as it was particularly stifling against her wonderfully free-spirit, but as soon as the end-credits rolled Monica was back to the same as she was before, taking nothing into account and getting away with her unpleasant behaviour every single damn time. Perhaps I'm being a little harsh labelling Monica a douche-bag. After all, watching the briefest interaction with her family and their clear preferential treatment towards Ross will tell you all you need to know about how her need to be perfect manifested itself. Even so, if she just learned to take life as it came everyone once in a while, their games of Pictionary and Foosball would've been a lot more pleasant for everyone involved.