10 TV Douche-Bags Who Get Away With Everything

10. Dexter Morgan- Dexter


It was easy to wear rose-tinted spectacles in the early seasons of 'Dexter', back when he stuck faithfully to Harry's code and unleashed his 'dark passenger' only on those who slipped through the cracks of Miami Metro's flawed justice system. Some might even have turned a blind eye to his part in Doakes' death at the end of season two, since he himself was an obnoxious jerk that no one (apart from LaGuerta) really missed once he was gone. Six seasons and numerous corpses later however, the slow decay of the very code he claims to hold so high has gotten harder to ignore with every passing episode. Granted, Dexter still reserves his murderous tendencies until he can be absolutely sure of his victim's guilt, but now he doesn't even bother to wait for the police to mount a case against them before he's sharpening his killing knives. He even goes as far as withholding evidence from investigations so he can have the first bite of the cherry, often with dire consequences for those around him. If Dexter had concentrated his efforts on helping his team catch The Trinity Killer in season four for example, they could've arrested him much sooner, thus leaving him free to dispatch as many scumbags as he saw fit with relative impunity. Instead, his overwhelming desire to get a satisfying kill caused him to get too close to his target which ultimately cost Rita's life and forced Astor, Cody and poor Harrison to grow up without a mother. The truth, as much as it would pain his loyal fan club to admit is that Dexter is a manipulative douche-bag and it's pretty clear he's never going to change. The promise he made Debra to stop stealing cases in season seven lasted all of five minutes, yet the ramifications of his indiscretions last a lifetime. LaGuerta was a stone-cold bitch for most of her run on the show, but she didn't deserve the fate she met at the shipyard in the series finale and the lasting effects it had on Debra after the event make his actions all the more unforgivable. Deb, Harrison and the rest of the world would've been far better off if Dexter just got caught. Unfortunately, his unrivalled talent for lying and staging a crime scene allow him to literally get away with murder every single time. One way or another though, Dexter will end later this year. His track record for wriggling out of sticky situations suggest it's likely he'll end up riding off into a blood stained sunset rather than finally facing his crimes- but here's hoping.
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A self-confessed Buffy fanatic with a penchant for sleuth shows, superheroes and anything with an infectious groove. I'm a Music and English Literature graduate with zany opinions on music, TV and film to unleash on anyone who will read them. Follow me on Twitter: swingking007