10 TV Fan Theories Better Than We Actually Got

3. Janice Was In A Cult - The Sopranos

Game of Thrones Bran Night King

Pretty much every Sopranos fan will agree that Tony's (James Gandolfini) sister Janice (Aida Turturro) is the show's most annoying character - a volatile, self-centered magnet for drama, if we're being kind.

But a well-considered fan theory from Redditor megacatwitharrows lends some fascinating added context to explain why Janice is the way she is - she spent years in a cult.

It's established that Janice returns to New Jersey after being away for 20 years, having previously joined an ashram (spiritual monastery) and changing her name to "Parvati Wasatch" in the late '70s.

The theory claims that Janice ended up joining the infamous Rajneeshpuram religious community recently examined in the 2018 Netflix documentary series Wild Wild Country.

Though the religious community/cult was situated in Oregon, considering that Janice is said to have lived in Seattle before coming to New Jersey, it's entirely possible she moved there from Oregon, which is a short drive away, after the cult disbanded in 1988.

Given the cult's noted bioterror attacks and assassination attempts, Janice's involvement in the Rajneeshpuram could have trained her to carry out some of the more nefarious acts she commits during the series.

And like that, The Sorpranos' most irritating character becomes so, so much more compelling.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.