10 TV Lines Actors Refused To Say

2. Kathy Bates Wouldn't Pray To Satan - American Horror Story: Apocalypse

American Horror Story Apocalypse Kathy Bates

Kathy Bates has played numerous characters throughout her tenure on American Horror Story, and in AHS: Apocalypse, she played Ms. Miriam Mead, a satanic henchwoman and the story's secondary antagonist.

The series' nature, where each individual season is a self-contained miniseries, means that actors don't necessarily know exactly what type of character they're going to be playing next season. And with that in mind, Bates was rather surprised to learn that she'd be playing a satanist, which she was only willing to do with some changes made to her dialogue. Namely, she refused to pray to Satan due to her own religious beliefs.

As the actress the told Entertainment Weekly:

"When I got that script and they had me praying to Satan, I called them down to my trailer and I said, 'Dudes, I am not praying to Satan. [Co-star Cody Fern] can pray to Satan because he is Satan.' But I was quite serious about it because I’m a two-time cancer survivor and I’m not gonna screw around with that! [Laughs] It’s bad enough I have to say 'Hail Satan' a couple of times. I know it’s entertainment but I just didn’t want to do it."
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.