10 TV Lines Actors Refused To Say

3. Liz Carr Wouldn't Say "Problematic" Dialogue - Silent Witness

American Horror Story Apocalypse Kathy Bates

Silent Witness star Liz Carr, who lives with the rare condition arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, used her platform on the show to push for greater and more nuanced representation for the disabled on TV.

Carr, who played lab assistant Clarissa Mullery on the series, told the BBC that during the eight years she appeared on the show, she worked hard to "police" its representation and "make sure it was better."

Though the actress didn't go into specific lines of dialogue that she refused to say, she did reveal that she declined to speak "certain lines that [she] thought were problematic."

Carr also stated how proud she is of the strides made for disabled representation throughout her time on Silent Witness, her firm, forthright approach ensuring to correct writers who, despite likely good intent, perhaps didn't quite strike the right note.

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